2018, Number 3
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AbanicoVet 2018; 8 (3)
A proximal chemical analysis in artisanal beer solid waste, and its acceptance in sows
Medina-Saavedra T, Arroyo-Figueroa G, Herrera-Méndez C, Gantes-Alcántar M, Mexicano-Santoyo L, Mexicano-Santoyo A
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 86-93
PDF size: 302.72 Kb.
A proximal chemical analysis on organic solid waste was performed from three types of craft beer and its acceptance in the feeding of sows was detected. To determine the humidity, a stove was used at 105 ° C for 24 hours, the ethereal extract was determined using a Soxhlet equipment and ethyl ether as solvent, the determination of ash content was made by calcination in a muffle at 700 ° C; for crude fiber analysis, acid digestion with 0.2 N sulfuric was used, the crude protein was determined using a Kjedahl equipment in order to analyze the total nitrogen, the nitrogen-free extract, was determined by the difference of 100% minus the addition of moisture, ash, fat, protein, and fiber. The total of digestible nutrients was computed by adding the digestibility of all organic compounds, and acceptance of the food was made trough offering it as a first option to the sows from two farms. The Organic solid residues of craft beer contain an average 2.43% of ash, 1.99% of ethereal extract, 4.91% of crude fiber, 64.20% of nitrogen-free extract, 10.91% of crude protein, and 73.47% of total digestible nutrients. The food achieved an acceptance of 83.4% when it was offered alone and 100% combined with other ingredients.
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