2018, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2018; 17 (2)
Patrones de alimentos y su relación con el riesgo de presentar depresión en aspirantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso
Olvera CMC, Palos LAG, Aradillas GC, Padrón SA, Sánchez-Armáss CO, Olvera LGC
Language: Spanish
References: 51
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 649.76 Kb.
Introduction: The university is a stressful experience; students modify their food patterns as an adaptation response that can increase the risk of generating the disease symptomatology related to depression.
Objective: To identify the relationship between the food pattern of college students and the risk of developing depression.
Methods: Cross-sectional study, analyzed data from 1556 university students aged 18-25 years old who participated in multidisciplinary research on obesity and socio-environmental factors ("UP AMIGOS 2008"). They answered the questionnaire on depressive symptoms (CESD-10) and a questionnaire based on the healthy eating index. To know the difference of means between categorical samples, chi square test was performed. Data were compared using logistic regression analysis. Results It was found that there is a positive relationship between the risk of developing depression with high intake of cold meat (sausage, ham, chorizo) (P = 0.008), low meat intake (P = 0.013) and belong to the female sex (P‹0.001).
Conclusions: Depressive symptoms should be monitored in college students, especially women, and in those who consume foods that are high in salt.
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