2018, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2018; 21 (1)
Integrative psychotherapy on a case of persistent depressive disorder
Rodríguez-Alejo DI, Cisneros-Ramos M, Robles-Cedeño LA
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 355-385
PDF size: 686.44 Kb.
This study aims to show the efficacy of integrative psychotherapy on
mood disorders. The intervention applied was composed by
elements of cognitive behavioral therapy, systemic therapies, neurolinguistic
programming and ericksonian hypnosis and was applied on
an 18-year-old female patient who fulfill the criteria of a persistent
depressive disorder on DSM 5. The intervention was formed by 10
sessions and it was identified an important improvement in the selfperception
of the patient and the way she interacts with her
environment as familiar as scholar. The results also show an
improvement in the ways the patient comprehended her problem in
relation with the scale question and in the subjective happiness
scale. This favors the main objective of this article because, by using
different therapeutic strategies, it could be designed an appropriated
therapeutic program to the patient’s needs.
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