2018, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2018; 21 (1)
Ethics in psychology and its fields
Coffin CN, Bernal Y, Cedillo IB, López GMR, Suárez CP, Anguiano SSA
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 237-265
PDF size: 435.05 Kb.
With the recent approval of the new curriculum for the Psychology
career at FES Iztacala, and based on the fact that contents of ethics
appear in the different subjects, this paper intends to provide a
consultation document regarding the ethical guidelines that must
permeate our profession in its different fields. The subjects
discussed here allow introducing teachers and students of the career to the ethical principles that must regulate teaching, research and
service in Psychology. It also addresses what are the Ethics
Committees and their role. The importance of this article is its
contribution in presenting the universal principles of ethics applied to
the fields of Psychology in any university curriculum.
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