2018, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2018; 21 (1)
Incidence of parents perception on parental educational styles in child abuses and obesity
Mejía GIT, Padrós BF
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 69-81
PDF size: 160.91 Kb.
The suffering of overweight and obesity has been increasing in
the adult as well as the infant population. Currently, programs
are being implemented with the aim of trying to change erratic
eating habits, for healthier ones. Parents as responsible for the
eating habits of their children, are the ones who decide what
guidelines to follow regarding the time, amount and type of food
to consume. The present research aims to know the perception
that parents have about their parental educational style and its
possible influence with overweight and childhood obesity. There
were 149 parents or guardians of primary and secondary school
students in Morelia, Michoacán, 76 (49.3%) were boys and 73
(48.7%) were girls. Of the students, 14.0% presented
characteristics of overweight, 2.0% of obesity and 83.3% of
normopeso. The instruments applied were the Bersabé,
Fuentes and Motrico, Affect Scale (AE-P) and Standards and
Requirements Scale (ENE-P), 1999. Analyzing the results it
was observed that in those children who were overweight or
obese, His parents self-perceived with a higher score in the
authoritarian or rigid style, and not in the other two (democratic
and indulgent).
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