2018, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2018; 21 (1)
Periodical psychological test of adolescent in the court of loss of country potestad
Sierra CA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 53-68
PDF size: 309.26 Kb.
The objective of the present investigation is to describe the
process of the expert in the field of psychology that evaluates
the emotional state and affective ties of the adolescent "Larry",
involved in ordinary oral trial of loss of parental authority. Which
initiates the mother against the father of "Larry". Projective and
statistical instruments were used for psychological evaluation. A
mixed research was conducted, such as an instrumental case
study, which provided an analysis of the particularity of the case
and examined knowledge elements to expand the field of
theoretical and practical research. The results show that "Larry"
presents an emotional state of high anxiety with feelings of
insecurity and inadequacy. He has the approach-avoidance
conflict, that is, he is afraid to face family situations, especially
those related to the differences between his parents, he enjoys
living with his father but he is very anxious to manifest it and
lose his mother's affection. It is recommended to establish the
coexistence regime, that is, to resume living with your father, at
least on weekends and holidays and holidays in equal parts.
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