2018, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2018; 60 (4)
A front-of-pack labelling system for food and beverages for Mexico: a strategy of healthy decision-making
Kaufer-Horwitz M, Tolentino-Mayo L, Jáuregui A, Sánchez-Bazán K, Bourges H, Martínez S, Perichart O, Rojas-Russell M, Moreno L, Hunot C, Nava E, Ríos-Cortázar V, Palos-Lucio G, González L, González-de Cossio T, Pérez M, Borja-Aburto VH, González A, Apolinar E, Pale LE, Colín E, Barriguete A, López O, López S, Aguilar-Salinas C, Hernández-Ávila M, Martínez-Duncker D, de León F, Kershenobich D, Rivera J, Barquera S
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 479-486
PDF size: 279.56 Kb.
The Mexican Ministry of Health requested the National Institute
of Public Health to constitute a group of independent,
free of conflict-of-interest academic experts on front-of-pack
labelling (FOP). This group was instructed to created a positioning
paper to contribute to the development of a FOP
system for industrialized products that offers useful information
for purchase decision making. This position paper uses
the best available scientific evidence, and recommendations
from experts of international organizations. The FOP proposal
focuses on the contents of energy, nutrients, ingredients and
components that if consumed in excess on the diet, can be
harmful to people’s health, such as added sugars, sodium,
total fat, saturated fat and energy. The academic expert group
recommends the implementation of a FOP that provides an
easy way to quickly assess the quality of a product. It is essential
that this FOP provides direct, simple, visible and easily
understandable information.
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