2018, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2018; 56 (2)
Malignant tumors as cause of disability at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Zitle-García EJ, Sauceda-Valenzuela AL, Ascencio-Montiel IJ, García-Paredes J
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 173-179
PDF size: 526.92 Kb.
Background: Cancer represents an important issue in
health, with the economic impact that it takes. The aim of
this paper is to analyze the epidemiological
characteristics of a population with social security who
was diagnosed with some type of cancer and required a
disability pension.
Methods: Observational study, retrolective cohort type,
carried out at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
(IMSS) with IMSS beneficiaries ruled with a state of
disability due to malignancy during the period 2006 to
Results: 13 633 cases were studied, observing an
increasing behavior among the years mentioned. The
age average of the rightful claimants ruled was 47.75
years; the main causes of disability due to malignant
tumors were breast, colon and brain cancer. The
definitive opinions represented the 49.66%, which are
likely to generate a constituent amount for the IMSS. It is
important to have data of the survival in relation to the
most frequent malignant tumors, which can provide
information about the severity and prognosis of these
Conclusions: The results obtained lead to discuss the
effectiveness of programs established on the prevention
and early detection of non-communicable diseases,
mainly in breast cancer, since the impact that has this
type of suffering may involve a major financial problem
for the IMSS because of the payment of constituent
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