2018, Number 267
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16 de abril 2018; 57 (267)
Patients treated with overdenture and implant with immediate load
Herrera OG, Ogra ÁMC, Rodríguez RHM, Berenguer GJA
Language: Spanish
References: 32
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Introduction: The treatment with overdenture and implantology satisfies the functional, aesthetic, hygienic and economic expectations, and at the same time reduces the surgical and psychological trauma of the patient.
Objective: To characterize clinically and radiographically patients with mucosal overdenture and implant retained with immediate load, who received the abutment ball-type abutmen in a period of 3 years.
Materials and Methods: An observational descriptive and cross sectional study was performed in "Mártires del Moncada" Dental Teaching Clinic in Santiago de Cuba in the period from August 2012 to September 2015. Clinical and radiological variables such as age, change of dentures, change of retentive parts of the implant, stability and prosthetic retention, subtypes of edentulous jaws and success of the implant were studied.
Results: All patients presented type 1 of the edentulous jawbone, predominantly division D (42.9%). Changes in dentures (21.4%) due to lack of adjustment and fractures, as well as changes in the retentive parts (64.3%) was observed. All the patients presented good retention and stability of the dentures.
Conclusions: In all rehabilitated patients with mucousuported overdenture and implant retained with immediate load in which ball type abutmen were used, implant success was achieved.
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