2018, Number 4
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Med Int Mex 2018; 34 (4)
Chronic kidney disease mortality and its relation to diabetes in Mexico
Aldrete-Velasco JA, Chiquete E, Rodríguez-García JA, Rincón-Pedrero R, Correa-Rotter R, Peña-García R, Perusquía-Frías E, Dávila-Valero JC, Reyes-Zavala C, Pedraza-Chávez J
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 536-550
PDF size: 304.84 Kb.
Objective: To analyze the impact in Mexico of the mortality produced by chronic
renal failure secondary to diabetes mellitus.
Material and Method: An observational study was done from 1998 to 2014 on
the basis of a national registry corresponding to a relatively long period of 17 years,
recognizing this pathology as a differentiated nosological entity, using the data mining
as methodology of analysis, and avoiding as far as possible the ambiguities or limitations
detected in previously published studies.
Results: In the last two decades, the prevalence and mortality rates for chronic renal
failure has doubled in Mexico, which means a high human and financial cost, in addition
to the fact that this disease significantly reduces the quality of life and the life
expectancy of the Mexican adult population.
Conclusion: It is necessary to optimize the care strategies for patients with chronic
renal failure, without ruling out the use of effective prevention strategies focused on
the general population.
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