2018, Number 2
Considerations on addictions in the training of medical sciences professional
Miña OL, O´Relly ND, Pérez DZ, García HC
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 513-520
PDF size: 75.81 Kb.
Currently, any activity the individual is not able to control, that lead him to compulsive behavior damaging his life quality is accepted as addiction. Drug-dependence, also called drug addiction of pharmacodependence, is a health problem caused by the frequent use of addictive substances called drugs. It is not a news that a big quantity of university students consume controlled drugs to supposedly potentiate their academic competence. Cuba is not free of this reality in spite of being a world bulwark in the antidrug fight. This behavior imitation or learning is a key element among teenagers and university students, the difficulty rests in the drug access for the students of several specialties, what is not a trouble for the Medicine students. We briefly expose several considerations on the theme.