2018, Number 05
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2018; 86 (05)
Threats to the safety of the patient due to the delivery management with oxytocin. Experience in a public hospital in Lima, Peru
Juárez-Coello P
Language: Spanish
References: 70
Page: 313-318
PDF size: 220.26 Kb.
Objective: Identify the threats to the safety of the patient in the practice of conducting
labor with oxytocin and maternal and perinatal outcomes in a public tertiary hospital
in Lima, during 2016.
Materials and Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, retrospective and crosssectional.
A total 112 pregnants’ medical histories were review who underwent augmentation
of labour with oxytocin. Inclusion criteria’s: term gestation, hospitalization
with a 4 cm dilatation, fetuses in cephalic presentation. Exclusion criteria’s: patients
with previous or intercurrent pathologies to pregnancy.
Results: The augmentation with oxytocin made in pregnant women without alterations
in labor (29.5%; n = 33). The main type childbirth was vaginal delivery (73.2%;
n = 82) and of the group that underwent cesarean section, the most usual reason was
cephalopelvic disproportion (56.7%; n = 17). Obstetric complications were observed
(25%; n = 28), of this group the main was postpartum hemorrhage (46.4%; n = 13). The
weight of the newborns oscillated between 3401 ± 394 g, 93.7% and 96.4% obtained
an Apgar 10 to 7 at the 1st and 5th minute respectively.
Conclusions: The threats to the safety of the patient identified were the practice of
augmentation of labor with oxytocin in pregnant women without alterations in labor
and in pregnant women with cephalopelvic disproportion, although it is a contraindication
to the procedure.
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