2017, Number 1
Acute transverse myelitis associated with the puerperium
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 92-100
PDF size: 353.23 Kb.
Introduction: acute transverse myelitis is a neurological picture that develops from a few hours to 7 days with involvement of the sensorimotor and autonomic system to the height of the spinal inflammation. The diagnosis requires demonstrating that there is inflammation of the spinal cord.Case report: the case of a puerpera (cesarean section) of 5 days of evolution with the diagnosis of acute transverse myelitis is presented. She suffered from flaccid paraplegia, weakness in upper limb, sensory level D5, for all modalities of osteotendinous sensibility and areflexia.
Conclusions: timely diagnosis of transverse myelitis, comprehensive and multidisciplinary evaluation of the disease with an effective and early treatment favor a rapid recovery and limit the existence of serious complications or sequelae that prevent the development of a normal life of the patient.
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