2017, Number 2
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Universidad Médica Pinareña 2017; 13 (2)
The expression that united the University Student Federation and Alicia Alonso’s Ballet
Ramos CAE, Martínez LD, Cárdenas VCA, Barredo AAA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 150-157
PDF size: 372.45 Kb.
Introduction: in December 1922 Mella founded the University Student Federation to legitimize the rights of university students and Alicia Alonso’s Ballet was created in October 1948, and very strong ties were early born that united both social organizations in the battle for the defense of the national identity.
Objective: to describe the facts that united the Student University Federation and the ballet throughout the history of Cuba in the neo-colonial and revolutionary periods.
Methods: theoretical and empirical methods were used, among the first the historical-logical, the inductive-deductive and analysis and synthesis; documentary review was also applied.
Development: the most important event took place on September 15, 1956, when the Student University Federation organized the National Remembrance Homage to Alicia after the arbitrary decision of Batista's tyranny to suppress the ridiculous state subsidy to the Ballet.
Conclusions: numerous facts are described exemplifying the close relationship between Alicia, the Ballet and University Student Federation.
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