2017, Number 2
Educational intervention on sexually transmitted infections in a group of adolescents, 2015-2016
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 104-116
PDF size: 321.52 Kb.
Introduction: the intervention on sexual education is applied in many countries worldwide showing excellent results, given that it promotes self-responsibility in young people, generating responsible sexual behavior.Objective: to apply an educational intervention on sexual education in adolescents at “Ormani Arenado Llonch” Sports School from September 2015 to May 2016.
Methods: a non-observational, quasi-experimental intervention study was conducted in adolescents who studied in this institution during the academic course 2015-2016. From a target group of 997 students, 507 students were randomly selected, fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research was developed during three defined periods: a first diagnostic moment to identify the learning needs, where a semi-structured interview was also applied, which gave an output to the variables evaluated; a second moment dedicated to the intervention and the last moment aimed at evaluating the impact of the intervention.
Results: male sex prevailed (64,89 %) and the group of 15 or older (77,51 %). Before the intervention, the average level of knowledge predominated (41,62 %) and then the high level (64,50 %). Knowledge about risk factors, transmission routes, symptoms and signs, and more frequent sexually transmitted infections was reinforced. Teachers and friends were the main sources of information, parents not playing the required educational role.
Conclusions: it was achieved through the application of educational intervention, increasing the levels of knowledge of the chosen group, modifying knowledge of adolescents about sexually transmitted infections, the evaluation was satisfactory.
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