2018, Number 1
Results of the prenatal diagnosis of congenital defects in the “Raúl Sánchez Rodríguez” Polyclinic
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 14-22
PDF size: 351.75 Kb.
Introduction: genetic diseases are almost always serious and disabling. In Cuba, the most effective means of prevention are based on genetic counseling and early diagnosis. Prenatal diagnosis programs have contributed significantly to the detection and prevention of genetic diseases and congenital defects.Objective: to describe the results of the prenatal diagnosis of congenital defects in the “Raúl Sánchez Rodríguez” Polyclinic during the period 2009 to 2016.
Method: an observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the “Raúl Sánchez Rodríguez” Polyclinic during the period from January 2009 to December 2016. The universe consisted of 4 469 pregnant women, from whom a sample of 71, which corresponds to pregnant women who had a congenital defect in their pregnancy. The data were obtained through the statistical records of the Provincial Center of Medical Genetics and the Polyclinic “Raúl Sánchez Rodríguez”.
Results: a total of 71 congenital defects were diagnosed by prenatal ultrasonography. They predominated, in order of frequency, cardiovascular (15). In all cases genetic counseling was offered to the couple, which allowed that in 81,7 % of the cases the voluntary interruption of the pregnancy was decided. 94,4 % of diagnosed defects were confirmed at birth or due to pathological anatomy.
Conclusions: the program of early detection of congenital defects was able to diagnose a high percentage of them. In all cases, genetic counseling was provided, taking into account the basic and normative principles of the same.
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