2018, Number 2
On-duty medical students at primary health care
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 112-120
PDF size: 203.33 Kb.
Introduction: a medical student on duty has particular characteristics having differences from the other training activities conducted on the primary health care.Objective: to characterize medical students on duty on the primary health care.
Method: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the on-duty service belonging to "Pedro Borrás Astorga" University Polyclinic in Pinar del Río municipality, during the period October to December 2017. The target group of the study consisted of 21 tutors of the institution and 119 students from the second academic year of the medical studies attending the on-duty activities.
Results: the patients treated during on-duty medical studies period were mostly female (60,7 %), ages from 60 and over (27,9 %). The diagnoses of the patients performed in this service were grouped, predominantly, by acute respiratory infections with 47,1 %. The characteristics of on-duty students were distinguished by: female sex (42,9 %) and those living in the municipality (68,1 %); while on tutors female gender predominated (60,9 %), and the assistant teaching rank (73,9 %), tutoring time ≥5 years (69,6 %). The majority of students obtained 5 grades in the evaluation of the skills performed during the on-duty period, basically when performing the observation procedures (80,7 %).
Conclusions: on-duty medical students allowed the development of skills along with the teaching-scientific training of their tutors, allowing a comprehensive care of the patients attending the institution.
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