2018, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2018; 26 (2)
Breast cancer and its relationship with the management of emotions and stress
Espino-Polanco AC, García-Cardona M
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 145-155
PDF size: 321.30 Kb.
Introduction: Emotions are rapid mood swings which occur abruptly and with physical manifestations.
Feelings are the perceptions of how the body feels in the midst of an emotion. Feelings
and emotions are modified according to society, culture, context, and are shaped according to
Objective: To identify the relationship between emotions-feelings and stress, with breast cancer
and what is the level of evidence of published research.
Methods: It was carried out a systematic search with the following algorithms: a) breast cancer
AND etiology AND emotions, b) breast cancer AND emotional etiology, c) breast cancer AND etiology
AND stress, in Spanish and English, in regional BVS, Medline, SciELO, CINAHL and Cochrane
Results: We found articles that suggest that the etiology of breast cancer can be related to stressful
situations experienced in childhood, repression of feelings, chronic tension, depression, anxiety
and stress.
Conclusions: There are coincidences in which it is stated that the problems experienced during
childhood may trigger the vulnerability to develop various diseases, including breast cancer in
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