2018, Number 2
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Salud Mental 2018; 41 (2)
Barriers to addiction prevention and treatment in communities with organized crime: the perspective of health providers
Gómez LAH, Almanza AAM
Language: English
References: 37
Page: 73-80
PDF size: 321.05 Kb.
Introduction. The presence of organized crime may encourage an increase in the supply of illicit substances,
the incorporation of young people into crime, the promotion of substance-oriented lifestyles, and the use of
violent tactics to control territories that generate insecurity and loss of social capital are generated.
The purpose of this study is to determine the barriers related to the presence of organized crime for the prevention
and treatment of addictions from the perspective of health staff.
Method. Based on a grounded theory
study, eight semi-structured focused interviews were conducted with the staff of a primary addiction care
center. In the interviews, the characteristics of the center, type of services, user profiles, the most successful
treatments and barriers to care were explored, emphasizing those related to the presence of organized crime
in the community. The data obtained were subjected to a thematic analysis with the help of MAXQDA software
version 12.
Results. Thematic analysis shows that criminal organizations determine which substances
are used, encourage distribution within educational contexts, establish control processes in communities,
limit preventive actions and treatments, and promote lifestyles associated with consumption, which especially
affect vulnerable young people at the familial, social, and economic level.
Discussion and conclusion. Membership
of organized crime is also linked to substance use, so those affected seek treatment in spaces where
there are insufficient safety conditions and health providers to create personal strategies for their protection.
The article concludes that addiction prevention implies the recovery of communities and educational spaces
by state institutions, while care requires better safety conditions for users and health staff.
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