2018, Number 3
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2018; 19 (3)
Developing Emotional, Neurocognitive, and Social Skills in Children with Autism: Evaluation and Intervention through Social Role-Playing
Villanueva-Bonilla, Cristian; Bonilla-Santos, Jasmín; Ríos- Gallardo, Ángela Magnolia; Solovieva, Yulia
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 43-59
PDF size: 716.11 Kb.
Introduction: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is
characterized by difficulties with socialization, communication, and
cognition as well as repetitive and unusual behaviors. Social roleplaying
is a guiding activity that produces positive changes in children’s
development in terms of imagination, voluntary activity, language,
reflexive thought, and conversational abilities.
Objective: To describe the effect of an intervention program on
emotional, neurocognitive and social skills in three children with autism
spectrum disorder (ASD).
Methods: A multiple-case design, based on the principles of
the microgenetic method, was used to determine the emotional,
neurocognitive, and social characteristics of three children with autism
following the application of an intervention program involving social
role-playing. Case 1: A 9-year-old child with poor identification and
emotional expression, as well as difficulties in maintaining fluent and
coherent conversations. Case 2: A 10-year-old child with mechanical
language, poor fluency, and difficulty initiating and maintaining
conversation. Case 3: An 8-year-old girl presents deficits in nonverbal
communicative behaviors used in social interaction and difficulties in
adapting to non-daily situations.
Results: Positive changes in emotional identification, understanding,
and expression as well as mental states and social language. The
children also demonstrated improvements in their cognitive and social
abilities following the intervention program. The above results should
be interpreted carefully because of the preliminary character of the
study. A larger sample that allows the generalization of the results is
suggested for future investigations.
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