2005, Number 1
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Inv Salud 2005; 7 (1)
To have a chronic illness or to be a chronic illness person: the case of the Diabetes Mellitus
Torres LTM, Castañeda TJD, Chong VF
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 42-49
PDF size: 518.15 Kb.
Objective: to identify the existence of passage rituals in the process of constructing the identity as a chronic patient. The study parts from the assumption that a chronic illness generates in the ill person a process of adoption a new identity. In the particular case of passage rituals, they allow to explain a change in qualitative state by incorporating several elements of a new way of life.
Methodology: The study was qualitative with the support of ethnographic techniques such as the semi-structured interview and participant observation. During 1997 to 1998 28 persons with diabetes and others chronic illness were interviewed, all of them were habitants of a popular neighborhood of the city of Guadalajara, Mexico. The analysis of the information was analyzed by the hermeneuticdialectic analysis technique with the Ethnograph 5 computer program.
Results: the rites lead to forms of action and
significance that permit the adaptation to a new life
that is generated with the presence of one or more
chronic illness. The preliminary, liminar and posliminar
phases were identify for different elements. The main
implication of these findings resides in the possibility
of accompanying and facilitating of the passing of
chronic illness persons through the different phases
with the aim of improving their quality of life.
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