2017, Number 3
CorSalud 2017; 9 (3)
Final report of the II National Symposium on Sudden Cardiac Death and I Ibero-American Convention on Sudden Cardiac Deat
Comité Organizador
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 222-223
PDF size: 158.37 Kb.
Text Extraction
Under the motto: «Sudden Cardiac Death: from genes to society» the II National Symposium on Sudden Cardiac Death and I Ibero-American Con-vention on Sudden Cardiac Death has being held in Havana, capital of the Republic of Cuba, from De-cember 6 to 9, 2016; organized by the Sudden Death Research Group (GIMUS, acronym in Spanish), the Hospital Clínico-Quirúrgico Docente Hermanos Amei- jeiras, the Center for Demographic Studies of the University of Havana and the Havana Convention Center, Cuba.This event has been sponsored by the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), the Academy of Sciences of Cuba (ACC), the University of Medical Sciences of Havana (UCM-H), the National School of Public Health (ENSAP), the PAHO/WHO Representatives in Cuba and the Hospital Clínico-Quirúrgico Docente Hermanos Ameijeiras.