2018, Number 1
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2018; 65 (1)
Emerging and reemerging diseases of viral origin transmitted by the genus Aedes
García-Yáñez Y, Pérez-Mendoza MT, Pérez-Ramírez M, Castillo-Sánchez JR, García-González R
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 22-33
PDF size: 317.70 Kb.
The relationship between humans and their environment allows the establishment not only of the microbiota, but also of microorganisms known for their pathogenicity. This gives rise to the emergence of an infectious process, which in the face of a series of factors fostered worldwide, favor the emergence or reemergence of infections that become a global public health problem. In this situation we have a group of viruses belonging to the togaviruses, with the genera
Flavivirus and
Alphavirus as infectious agents, and
Aedes aegypti and other members of this genus or different species as vectors participants in the zoonoses dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya and zika. The following work is a review of these infectious agents, the vector, the problems they cause in humans and the epidemiological situation that is occurring in America.
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