2018, Number 2
Initial growth of two varieties of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) in the tropics of Ecuador
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 33-46
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The objective was to assess the production and efficiency of the initial growth of Cajanus cajan var. Black and EGV22 with and without nitrogen fertilizing. The plants were planted in plastic bags during summer 2012. Two nitrogen fertilization treatments were applied at 90 d of germination (+ N and - N). The variables were: number of nodules (NN), long of root (LR), weight of nodules (WN), height of plant (HP), dry matter total (DMT), index of area leaf (IAL), area foliar specific (AFS), rate of assimilation (RA), rate relative of growth (RRG) and rate of growth of the crop (RGC). A full-randomized experimental design was used with a factorial arrangement 2 x 2 and regression analysis. Differences were observed (P ‹ 0.05) among varieties for NN, HP, so and RGC, where the highest average HP was obtained by EGV22 variety. For the nitrogen factor, its application decreased (P ‹ 0.05) NN, WN, and HP. It is concluded that Black variety can be used in the production systems since it has great DMT and the best establishment for the environmental conditions of the tropic of Ecuador.REFERENCES
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