2018, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2018; 26 (1)
Spiritual care a way to transcend the reason of being of Nursing
Alvarado-Valle E, Rodríguez-Jiménez S, Cárdenas-Jiménez M, Pacheco-Arce AL
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 56-61
PDF size: 290.29 Kb.
How is spirituality related to the art of care?
Spirituality accompanies man from his origins just as care is recognized as a human dimension; in
contemporaneity, it is explained within the paradigm of the New Age as a response to traditional
conceptions. It is related to the nurse-person communication during the care process, which in
essence, is about recovering the meaning of life-death, self-awareness and its transcendence.
Spirituality is based on life processes, and it has different orientations and meanings; that is how,
spiritual care becomes a continuous dynamic process of interaction, of being there with the person,
of helping him in his need to transcend and live according to his beliefs and meanings.
The nursing professional, by appropriating these concepts and putting them into practice, develops
his own spirituality; promotes in people, the question of the meaning of their existence,
develop life projects and understand their life history; these actions favor that the nursing professional
identifies himself with himself and with the other at the time of providing care, and turns
the act of care into a transcendent experience, where personal and professional growth converge.
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