2018, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2018; 26 (1)
Evaluation of fall risk with the J.H. Downton modified scale in hospitalized pediatric patients
Jiménez-Maciel SL, Lara-Montes AA, Monzón-Arriaga RI, Hernández-Martínez E, Ortiz-Luis SR
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 46-51
PDF size: 308.62 Kb.
Introduction: In hospitalized pediatric patients, the main risk factors for falling are age under
three years, pharmacological treatment with anticonvulsant medications and for pain and sensory
problems such as numbness, blurred vision, hearing problems or inability to communicate.
Objective: To identify the risk factors of fall in pediatric patients hospitalized with the J.H. Downton
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study to identify the risk factors for falling in 258 hospitalized
pediatric patients. The J.H. Downton modified with seven dimensions, 95% CI, included the
clinical status of the patient and the family member’s knowledge of fall prevention measures. The
statistical analysis of the data was performed with SPSS 22.0.
Results: In 45% of hospitalized pediatric patients, there was a low risk of falling in the dimensions
of medication intake and gait and balance. In the dimensions sensory deficits and mental state,
the risk of falling was low in 37% and 32%.
Conclusions: With the application of the J.H. Modified Downton risk of falling was identified in
pediatric hospitalized patients. The assessment of nursing in the income and during the hospital
stay, is a predictive element that the assessment instrument itself.
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