2018, Number 1
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2018; 8 (1)
Actualidad en el papel de la Cladribina en el tratamiento de la Esclerosis Múltiple tipo brote-remisión
Sequeira QCM, Villegas RJD
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 11-22
PDF size: 292.71 Kb.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory
disease of autoimmune nature characterized by
compromise of the central nervous system white
substance and neurodegeneration. Multiple
sclerosis can be catalogued as primary
progressive, secondary progressive and relapseremission.
At the moment, the Food and Drugs
Administration (FDA) has approved a total of 11
drugs for the therapeutic approach of relapseremission
multiple sclerosis. In Costa Rica
treatment for this entity is mainly dictated by the
National Guideline of Treatment for Multiple
Sclerosis, which includes oral and parenteral
options in both first and second line of treatment.
Around the world, research and pharmacological
breakthroughs pertaining multiple sclerosis have
been geared towards developing oral options.
Among the variety of options studied for this
goal is cladribine, a synthetic purine analogue,
which even though presented positive results in
its clinical trials, was removed from
consideration for an approval license due to
concerns related to a possible causality link with
infections and cancer, intrinsic to the action
mechanism of the cladribine. Recent clinical
trials nonetheless have questioned this doubts
and cladribine is gearing towards approval in
Europe and incorporation in the respective
guidelines for the treatment of relapse-remission
multiple sclerosis.
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