2016, Number 5
Epidemiological factors about tuberculosis in Guantánamo
Noa GM, Verdecia WY, Frómeta OD, Terry JY, Pulsan LC
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 721-730
PDF size: 187.42 Kb.
He was carried out a traverse descriptive study to characterize the 61 patients with Tuberculosis in the country of Guantánamo between 2009 and 2011. One kept in mind the municipality, the age, the groups of ricks, the clinical forms, the bacteriology among others you creó a data base in the system Epinfo for the statistical analysis. As summary measure the percentage and the rates were used. A slight increment was observed in the incidence of the illness, most of the sick persons had more than 55 years and between two and three factors of ricks, the lung clinical form, the bacteriological positividad and the patients diagnosed also prevailed with more than 30 days of having begun the symptoms. Recommendations were made for the obtaining of better results in the program and she intended a strategy of community intervention directed to the most vulnerable groups in the illness.