2018, Number 1
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2018; 63 (1)
The surgeon’s retirement: Why, when and how should a surgeon retire?
Ruiz SJO
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 73-79
PDF size: 194.11 Kb.
Given the physiological changes that occur with aging, the problem of the retirement of a surgeon who reaches the third age arises. The factors that must be known regarding this change are: the knowledge of what the burnout syndrome is, the consequences with the appearance of disabilities, the circumstances that may favor the risk of suicide and the importance of self-health care. We analyze the stress factors in a surgeon’s life and how to deal with them. The position of the American College of Surgeons regarding the problems faced by the aging surgeon is described. The factors of «when» a surgeon should retire and the different scenarios and retirement options are discussed. A strategic planning model for retirement is proposed. The «X commandments of the surgeon’s retirement» are mentioned. This event must occur with respect and dignity.
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