2005, Number 1
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2005; 8 (1)
The use of natural medicine in the control of aquatic organism diseases and the potentiality of its utilization in Cuba and Mexico
Prieto A, Auró OA, Fernández A, Pérez MB
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 38-49
PDF size: 81.44 Kb.
Several medicinal plants that are used for the treatment of fish and shrimp diseases are describer. The information is from different documents from Cuba, México and other countries. The therapeutic and prophylactic effects on aquatic edible and ornamental species of at least 40 vegetable products have already been proved and validated thanks to numerous experimental studies. At present about 30 studies are under research, so the potential benefits for aquaculture are great. Most of the plants are common in tropical and subtropical countries, but there are also some trademarks which have already commercialized in Mexico and Japan.
Zamudio, G. Historia de la herbolaria medicinal. El Faro Boletín Informativo de la Coordinación de Investigación Científica, Ciudad Universitaria 42, 12-14 (2004).
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Ocampo, C.L. & Auró, O.A. (eds.). Terapia de las enfermedades de los peces. 2ª edición (SUA editorial, FMVZ-UNAM, México, D.F, 2000).
Lagos-Witte, S. Tramil-Centro América red de plantas medicinales. Informe técnico final de Cuba, fase III. http:www.idrc.ca/uploads/user-S/19928547061/versión-final_narrativo_tramil_tramil_RED centro-america de plantas medicinales (2002).
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WHO World Health Organization. Regional strategy for traditional medicine in the Western Pacific (Publicación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2002).
Gutiérrez, D.M.A. Plantas medicinales de México. Memorias del 2o. Congreso Nacional de Plantas Medicinales. Zapotitlán, Jalisco. Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, 21-24 de marzo del 2002.
Bauer, O.N. & Upenskaya, A.V. New curative methods in the control of fish diseases. Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Fish Diseases, Academy Sciences Ichthyological Committee USSR, 18-21 Feb. (1959).
Wei, L., Li, Z. & Chen, B. Clinical study on treatment of infantile rotaviral enteritis with Psidium guajava L.Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 20, 893-895 (2000).
Silveira, R., et al. Actividad terapéutica de extractos naturales de origen vegetal para el control de parásitos y bacterias de organismos acuáticos de cultivo. Memorias del II Simposio Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca en Ciudad Guatemala, Guatemala. 18-19 Octubre 2000.
Direksaburakom, S., Herunsalee, A. & Rongkumnardwong, A. The virucidal activity of nine species of herb against yellow head baculovirus of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and viruses of fish. NICA Technical Abstract 6, 34-45 (1996).
Direksaburakom, S., Hirunsaree, U., Boonyaratpalin, S., Doyanodol, Y. & Aekpanithanpong, U. The virucidal activity of Clinacantus nutenns ( Lindau) against yellow head baculovirus of black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon). NICA Technical Abstracts 8, 56-61 (1996).
Janwitayanuchit, W., et al. Synthesis and anti-herpes simplex viral activity of monoglycosyl diglycerides. Phitochemistry 3(64), 253-264 (2003).
Sydiskis, R.J., Owen, D.G., Lohr, J.L., Rosier, K.H. & Blomster, R.N. Inactivation of enveloped viruses by anthraquinones extracted from plants. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 35, 2463-2466 (1991).
Semple, S.J., Pyke, S.M., Reynolds, D.D. & Flower, R.L. In vitro antiviral activity of the anthraquinone chrysophanic acid against poliovirus. Antiviral Res. 49, 169-178 (2001).
Abad, M.J., Guerra, J.A., Bermejo, P., Irurzun, A. & Carrasco, L. Search for antiviral activity in higher plant extracts. Phytother Res. 14, 604-607 (2000).
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Auró, O.A. & Ocampo, C.L. Evaluación comparativa del efecto profiláctico del ajo y de un producto de patente contra Gram negativos en tilapia (Oreochromis hornorum). TIP Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas 6(2), 67-73 (2003).
Nuñez, M., Pozo, M. & Valladares, J. Concentración inhibitoria mínima de tres extractos de plantas medicinales sobre bacterias del género Aeromonas causantes de enfermedades en peces. Revista Aqua TIC 14, 23-28 (2002).
Lai, P.K. & Roy, J. Antimicrobial and chemopreventive properties of herbsand spices. Curr.Med.Chem. 11, 1451-1460 (2004).
Carvalho, A.A., Sampaio, M.C.C., Higinio, J.S. & Sanna, K.M. Actividad antimicrobiana del extracto hidrosoluble de Psidium guajava Linn. frente a bacterias Gram negativas. WWW.estomatologia.com br/congresso_files/trabalhos. Htm. 2001.
Mortada, H.M.A., Wada, S., Hatai, K. & Yamamoto, A. Antimycotic activity of eugenol against selected water molds. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 12, 224-229 (2000).
Giordani, R., et al. Antifungal effect of various essential oils against Candida albicans. Potentiation of antifungal action of amphotericin B by essential oil from Thymus vulgaris. Phytother Res. 18, 990-995 (2004).
Díaz, B.S., Jiménez-Estrada, M. & Auró, O.A. Evaluación del efecto parasiticida de los extractos acuoso y metanólico de Buddleja cordata HBK (Tepozán) sobre Costia necatrix en tilapia (Oreochromis sp.). Vet. Mex. 31,189-194 (2000)
Houghton, P.J., Mensah, A.Y., Iessa, N. & Hong, L.Y. Terpenoids in Buddleja relevant to chemosystematics, chemical ecology and biologycal activity. Phytochemistry 64, 385-393 (2003).
Fernández, A. Evaluación de extractos de plantas medicinales con actividad antiparasitaria. CIVA (http://www.civa2003.org) (2003).
Boxaspen, K. & Holm, J.C. Development of pyrethrum-based treatments against ectoparasite lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in sea cage rearing of atlantic salmon (Salmon salar L.). Aquaculture Research 32, 1-8 (2000).
Auró, O. Evaluación del efecto de las semillas de papaya (Carica papaya) sobre Cucullanus sp. en tilapia. REDVET 5, s/n (2004).
MacDonald, D., et al. Ascaridole-less infusions of Chenopodium ambrosioides contain a nematodicide(s) that is (are) non toxic to mammalian smooth muscle. Ethnopharmacol. 92, 215-221 (2001).
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Hounzanghe-Adote, M.S., Paolini, V., Forraste, I., Moutairon, K. & Hoste, H. In vitro effects of four tropical plants on three life-cycle stages of the parasitic nematode, Haemonchus contortus. Res Vet Sci. 78, 155-160 (2005).
Villamar, C.A. Acuicultura orgánica-ecológica: aplicación de productos naturales en sustitución de químicos en los procesos de cría de camarones en cautiverio. Revista AquaTIC 10, 27-30 (2000).
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Silveira, C.R. & Martínez, P.M. Aceite de clavo (Syzygium aromaticum) como anestésico para la manipulación y transporte de Oreochromis aureus (Tilapia). Panorama Acuícola 9, 10-13 (2004).
Sladky, K.K., Swanson, C.R., Stokoof, M.K., Loomis, M.R. & Lewbart, G.A. Comparative efficacy of tricaine methasulfonate and clove oil for anaesthetics in red pacu (Piaractus brachypomus). Am.J.Vet.Res. 62, 337-342 (2001).
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