2017, Number S1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2017; 89 (S1)
Behavior of pneumococcal disease at 'Juan Manuel Marquez' pediatric hospital
Molina ÁN, Dotres MC, Legarreta PE, Vega MD, Piedra BM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 29-38
PDF size: 182.91 Kb.
Introduction: there has been pointed the importance of knowing the behavior of the
pneumococcal disease and the isolated serogroups in order to take significant actions
favoring our population´s health and especially that of our children.
Objectives: to describe the behavior of the pneumococcal disease and the isolated
serogroups by age group from 2009 to 2015.
Methods: a retrospective study was conducted to find out the incidence of cases
according to the above-mentioned illnesses by age groups, and the identification of
pneumococci; percentages were estimated, and the sentinel study database was
Results: the age groups with the highest incidence were younger than one year and
one to four years-old; the prevailing serogroups were 14, 19A and 6B; the highest
number of disease notifications occurred from February to April, and blood culture and
pleural fluid represented over 50 % of isolates.
Conclusions: the pneumococcal disease is an illness of great morbidity in our
hospital, which mainly affects children younger than 5 years, hence one should insist
on the surveillance and detection of this disease.
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