2017, Number 3
Female sexual function in the students of clinical psycology at the catolic university of cuenca, Ecuador
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 233-252
PDF size: 251.66 Kb.
Sexual dysfunctions have increased in recent years in the general population and in adolescents and young people, with a predominance of manifestations in female populations. The aim of the research is to characterize the female sexual function in students of Clinical Psychology at the Catholic University of Cuenca (UCACUE), Ecuador, in the period 2016-2017. The sample considered was intentional non-probabilistic, composed of 103 women between 18 and 30 years of age. The questionnaire "Female Sexual Function Index" (FSFI) was used, obtaining as results the highest value for the Sexual Satisfaction Dimension (4.92) and the lowest for Sexual Desire (3.72). A statistical association was obtained for the variable level of information in sexuality and biological age in relation to the dimensions studied. It is concluded that the investigated students predominate non-pathological sexual function and the existence of protective factors for sexual dysfunction.REFERENCES
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