2017, Number 2
Rev Cubana Med Trop 2017; 69 (2)
From the first notions about tuberculosis to the 'end TB' strategy: social challenges for childhood in Mexico
Cruz-Rodríguez AM, Armas PLA, Plascencia CA, Plascencia HA
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 199.78 Kb.
Tuberculosis has affected humankind since Neolithic times, and continues to be an important health problem worldwide, including child and adolescent tuberculosis. Mexico exhibits a considerable disease burden, despite the progress achieved in its control during the 20th and early 21st centuries. To continue advancing in such control it is necessary to prioritize prevention of latent tuberculosis infection and its development into active tuberculosis. Particular emphasis should be placed on prevention of latent tuberculosis infection and care and control of tuberculosis in children and adolescents, based on the favorable effect of attention to social determination of tuberculosis by means of the reduction and oftentimes elimination of health inequities. The present paper describes the essential aspects of tuberculosis with a view to making good use of current opportunities to advance in its control and put an end to the disease as an unpostponable social debt in Mexico. The "end TB" strategy of 2015 should be implemented both extensively an intensively. Its goals are ambitious, but they may be reached with the introduction of new tools, social support processes, and actions aimed at building capacities fostered by state-government commitment as part of the sustainable development goals.