2017, Number 5
Map of health assets in a fiscal educational unit of Esmeraldas
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 592-601
PDF size: 723.12 Kb.
Background: keeping personal health and well-being has been one of the goals of every individual; however, there are situations or events that can make a healthy environment unhealthy or vice versa, and having health assets available to all is a valuable way to reduce or minimize such situations.Objective: to determine the existence of maps of health assets in the educational units of the Esmeraldas province.
Methods: a quantitative-qualitative, prospective longitudinal study was carried out in two phases between December 2015 and August 2016; a first phase of diagnosis, where the population was made up of 121 educational units in the city of Esmeraldas, Republic of Ecuador and as sample 22 schools of primary education were selected. The second phase was developed through an analytical methodology of intervention, carried out through participatory action research. This methodology describes the resources and activities carried out for mapping the health assets.
Results: the negative result obtained in the first phase led to a pilot test in one of the institutions, in order to promote student participation in solving their own needs, being themselves who identified the health assets in their educational institution.
Conclusions: it was possible to leave a map of health assets that show all the assets that the institution has. In the same way, the empowerment of this theory was achieved in a group of students and teachers alike, after the socialization process.
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Botello B, Palacio S, García M, Margolles M, Fernández F, Hernán M, et al. Metodología para el mapeo de activos de salud en una comunidad. Gac San [Internet]. 2013 [citado 25 Oct 2016];27(2):[aprox. 4 p.]. Disponible en: https://scholar.google.es/scholar?hl=es&q=Metodolog%C3%ADa+para+el+mapeo+de+activos+de+salud+en+una+comunidad