2017, Number 4
Methodological work in nursing teachers
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 557-566
PDF size: 451.02 Kb.
Background: methodological work is sometimes interpreted in some ways by higher education principals and teachers; which has made impossible for them to achieve their fundamental purpose in many occasions: to increase the teaching mastery of teachers, in order to obtain a greater efficiency of the teaching-learning process and a superior quality in the teaching of the graduate. Objective: to deepen into the elements of methodological work to raise the preparation of nursing teachers. Methods: a bibliographic review was done on a total of 354 articles published in PubMed, Hinari, SciELO and Medline databases using the search manager and reference EndNote, to which 24 selected quotations were used to make research, 12 of them from the last five years. The search for the information was made in a period of three months from January 1st, 2016 to April 30th, 2016. The following words were used: methodological work, teachers, nursing. Development: methodological work is the system of activity that is permanently executed with and by teachers to ensure that it can be fully realized to the system of influences that exert in the training of students to comply with the main directions of work Educational and the priorities of each teaching. Conclusions: methodological work is an effective way in the preparation of nursing teachers since it integrates a set of activities interrelated with each other, from a static and dynamic approach, whose operation is directed to the achievement of certain objectives that make the solution of problems possible.REFERENCES
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