2017, Number 4
Working algorithm for the patient with bruxism
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 487-497
PDF size: 687.06 Kb.
Background: bruxism is a medical problem worldwide that involves the clenching and grinding of the teeth, considered a parafunctional masticatory activity. Objective: to evaluate the use of a working algorithm for the primary assistance of bruxist pa-tients. Methods: a research was performed in System and Health Services in the provincial occlusion consultation of Camagüey from September 2015 to February 2016. The universe for the study was com-posed of 425 patients and the sample was constituted by 283. The research was carried out in four sta-ges. Results: the dental wears represented a 100 % of the sample and second the dental interfe-rence and overloading represented a 99,29 % of the examined patients. A 100 % of the prevalence of an aesthetic recovery and freedom of jaw movements in the 99,29 % of the patients were observed. A 98,59 % of the polled patients considered treatment very useful and the main reason exposed by a 100 % had to do with the aesthetic improvement. Conclusions: the dental wears prevailed in the total of the examined patients followed by the presence of interference and overloading. Most of the patients showed that the stomatognathic system was functional once the follow-up period was over with an increased favorable progress.Almost all pa-tients considered the treatment useful which overcame the researchers’ expectations.REFERENCES
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