2017, Number 6
Stress and its influence in the life quality
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 971-982
PDF size: 77.69 Kb.
Stress is a health condition that is of great importance to the quality of life of human beings. The intention of this research is to incorporate new knowledge about stress, to substantiate what it means for health and how to deal with it to have a more pleasant and healthy life. The nature and extent of the epidemic are not well known, since social research is not abundant, almost all refer to its relation to disease. It is known that many causes that cause stress in people also know what the measures to reduce it are. Despite this pressing situation, the measures taken to accelerate or reverse the epidemic have been insufficient. To counteract this situation that is an old phenomenon, but every day is known more its newness for health, it is necessary to struggle to avoid stress and teach people what to do to face it. Even educational and other actions are insufficient, so we must increase and organize immediately all the activities to be developed by our sector and go to the sector.REFERENCES
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