2018, Number 1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2018; 56 (1)
Airway metaplasia related to smoking and environmental pollution through sputum
Ferman-Cano F, Padilla-Santamaría F, Moreno-Venegas LÁ, Torner-Aguilar CA, Molina-Medina MA
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 46-52
PDF size: 479.23 Kb.
Background: Both environmental pollution and smoking affect the respiratory
epithelium, causing cellular adaptation changes. Therefore, this
work explores the presence of metaplasia in smokers compared with
non-smokers from Mexico City.
Methods: A prospective cohort study was performed. The sample was
performed through a home interview covering the five Mexico City zones
delimited to the study and monitoring of air quality. We searched metaplastic
cells and inflammation in sputum cytology stained with Papanicolaou
technique, and we assessed the air quality in Mexico City. We
calculated relative risk (RR) and attributable risk (AR) in relation to the
presence of metaplasia and smoking.
Results: We performed 1897 home interviews obtaining a final sample
of 30 participants. There were no significant differences between smokers
and non-smokers with the presence of metaplastic cells (
p = 0.269),
although the association of metaplastic cells and inflammation showed
a significant difference in the non-smokers group (
p = 0.010). The RR
in association with the presence of metaplasia in sputum cytology and
smoking was 1.6, and the RA was 0.2.
Conclusions: The air quality in this city has led the population to
undergo changes of cellular adaptation in the respiratory epithelium by
the simple fact of being exposed to environmental pollution. Metaplastic
changes in non-smokers suggest strongly that pollution causes the same
effect as smoking.
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