2017, Number 6
Global cardiovascular risk evaluation in adult population doctor´s office 21
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 830-843
PDF size: 107.47 Kb.
Myocardial ischemia is internationally one of the first causes of death, and to value the quantitative risk of suffering it have been created charts of risk, one of those more employed have been the charts approved by the World Organization of the Health. With the objective of evaluating the cardiovascular global risk in the population in the health area 21 from the University Policlinic Jimmy Hirzel, it was performed a quantitative, prospective and descriptive study, with analytic phases, in a universe of 937 patients made from November 1st from the 2015 to June 29, 2017. Feminine sex prevailed (53.68 %) and the half age was of 56.6 years in a 35-74-year-old range. The 9.39 % of the patients suffered diabetes mellitus, 79.94 % practiced tobacco smoking, 32.6 % of the patients was overweight, a prevalence of the interval was observed from 131-140 mmHg of systolic arterial pressure with a mean of 145.23 mmHg. According to the AMR-A charts, in the context where you cannot measure serum cholesterol, and those of Gaziano, the evaluation of the risk located to 46 % and 47.71% the population's in a moderate level of risk, respectively. According to chi square tests are accepted indistinctly for the estimate of the global cardiovascular risk.REFERENCES
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