2017, Number 6
Hypertension in the observation room in a community polyclinic. 2015
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 763-774
PDF size: 80.95 Kb.
Introduction: high blood pressure is a risk factor that influences the morbidity and lethality of diseases such as cerebrovascular and kidney problems.Objective: to characterize hypertensive patients seen in the observation service of the Edor de los Reyes Martinez Arias university polyclinic during 2015.
Method: a retrospective and longitudinal descriptive study of all patients with arterial hypertension, attended in the bodyguard, and admitted to the observation room. Their health status, age, sex, education, risk factors, final destination, as well as adequate dispensarization were studied.
Results: male sex prevailed (56.86 %), the most affected age group was 30 to 49 years old (30 %), this disease affected patients with university level (35.45 %), the predominant risk factors were family history of arterial hypertension (30 %), followed by stress (21.81 %), 20.09 % was referred at secondary level, the rest of the patients (79.09 %) satisfactorily graduated with follow-up by the health team of their area, there were no deaths. It was shown that only 39.09 % of these patients were dispensed.
Conclusions: male sex predominated; the age group of 30 to 49 years was the most affected. The most significant risk factors in the patients attended were the family history of arterial hypertension; the largest number of cases progressed satisfactorily. The greater number of these patients was not adequately dispensed.
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