2005, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2005; 6 (2)
Evidence-based Nutrition
Doreste AJL, Serra ML
Language: Spanish
References: 28
PDF size: 464.02 Kb.
Evidence-based Nutrition can be considered as the application of evidence-based medicine principles (MBE) to our discipline, it is defined as the reliable, explicit and wise application of the best available scientific evidence to make decisions about patient’s attention whose practice forms the experience of physician with the best available external evidence coming from a systematic investigation. Evidence-based practice is a process by steps, it begins when we need information in order to find a solution for any problem in the health care process of a patient or a population. The first step is to change the information we need in a question that can be answered, the second one is to find the evidence that can aswer this question in the best way. The third stage is the formal valuation of this and it is called critical evaluation; the fourth one tries to integrate this evaluation into our clinical experience and the patients’ preferences or the values and priorities at population level, and to apply the outcome. Finally, the fifth stage evaluates the whole process with the objective of improving our decisions the next time we repeat the cycle in stages of evidence-based practice.
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