2017, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2017; 9 (2)
Knowledge, perceptions and practices in relation with giardiasis. Results of a survey applied to pediatricians of Playa, La Lisa and Marianao municipalities
Fonte GL, Almannoni SA, Fernández FMÁ, Martín PD, Monzote LA, Sánchez VL, García CY, Fonte GO
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 311.02 Kb.
OBJECTIVE: To know about the knowledge , perceptions and practices of pediatricians of the municipalities of Playa, La Lisa and Marianao en relation with Giardia lamblia infection. METHODS: a 27-question survey was designed, validated and, after obtaining the corresponding informed concerned, applied to pediatricians of Playa, La Lisa and Marianao municipalities (69 de 78), aimed at inquiring about their knowledge, perceptions and practices in the diagnosis, treatment and control of giardiasis. Survey preparation had 4 phases: 1) interviews to physicians related to diagnosis, treatment and control of giardiasis; 2) preparation of a preliminary questionnaire on the base of results from these interviews; 3) submission of tool to experts criteria and 4) its validation by means of its application in a small group of physicians. RESULTS: it was evidenced that the pediatricians of the mentioned municipalities had insufficient knowledge about giardiasis, particularly its cutaneous manifestations (out of 19 questions on cognitive aspects, the correct answer mean was 8, 68) and some inadequate perceptions and wrong practices. CONCLUSIONS: with the objective of attenuating these difficulties, there are necessary academic actions that make emphasis in the improvement of formative aspects related with the parasitic illnesses, in general, and the giardiasis, in particular.
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