2017, Number 3
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Rev Hum Med 2017; 17 (3)
Bioethical implications in the integral treatment given to patients suffering from rheumatic diseases
Hernández MAD, Puerto NI
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 565-576
PDF size: 478.05 Kb.
Ethics is the part of Practical Philosophy that deals with moral facts and philosophical
problems that have their roots in human behavior. Bioethics is the branch of Ethics
devoted to providing the principles for correct human behavior, with respect to life.
Various procedures are used when treating patients with rheumatic diseases. New
technologies have considerably improved their integral treatment; these scientific
advances must be used with the main purpose of causing no harm and with prior
informed consent. Therefore, it is necessary to argue on the bioethical implications that
turn out from the use of scientific-technological advances in the treatment of patients
with rheumatic diseases.
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