2015, Number 3
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Sal Jal 2015; 2 (3)
La salud como bien público global en la agenda de desarrollo post-2015
Domínguez-Martín R
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 120-131
PDF size: 308.70 Kb.
Objective: Analyze the prospects of health as a global
public good on the agenda of Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs ) for 2015-2030.
Material and methods:
From international and Mexican statistics on compliance
Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), on one hand,
and the tentative list of Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and targets, on the other one, the limits of the
public health approach of both agendas are evaluated,
respect to the social and environmental determinants
of health, health inequalities and failures in global
health governance.
Results and conclusions: Facing
the new SDGs agenda, the Platform for the Framework
Convention on Global Health it is supported to achieve
universal health coverage in developing countries.
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