2017, Number 3
Didactic strategies to improve the learning of clinical Pharmacology
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 439-453
PDF size: 375.29 Kb.
Introduction: When carrying out a first approach to the problem of the learning of the Pharmacology for the absence of effective didactic strategies, it has been observed as problem that medical practitioners reduce the prescription process to a practice centered in the medicine, and they leave aside the diagnostic and therapeutic character centered in the patient. Objective: To analyze the different didactic strategies applied in the process teaching-learning of the Pharmacology in the Superior Medical Education. Material and Methods: it was carried out a revision starting from bibliography and academic documentation that contribute to the investigation, by means of specialized databases (PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS and Web of knowledge). Results: The Learning Based in Problems or ABP(in Spanish) is an active methodology where the student interacts, participates or builds their own knowledge through the critical analysis, search of solutions, of the similar thought, but mainly, of their paper like the center of the teaching-learning process. It was recognized the game like an amusing, creative and dynamic activity as well as the application in the classrooms of educational software classes. Conclusions: As conclusion in taken that, a great diversity of strategies and methodologies that can be applied with success for the learning of the Pharmacology exists but that they require a structural and curricular change to support their integration to the subject.REFERENCES
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