2016, Number 4
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Arch Neurocien 2016; 21 (4)
Electricity and electronics as a support for electrophysiology and membranes biophysics
López HE, López CJC, Solís H
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 22-35
PDF size: 309.68 Kb.
In this review we raised the need of the students in general and in particular
those of bioengineering and medicine to obtain basic information on the
electrophysiology of excitable tissue. It is important to establish some
historical concepts of how it evolved and the theoretical framework of
electricity and electronics we handle today was structured. This information
serves as a basis for understanding the technological development of
electronics that is used particularly for the design and construction of
biomedical devices. We discuss general concepts equivalent to the cell
membrane excitable tissue and establish functional behavior of voltage and
current in a biological system circuit.
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