2017, Number 1
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Arch Neurocien 2017; 22 (1)
Evaluation of intelligent quotient (iq) to low birth weight and very low birth weight middle and late childhood children born term and preterm
Arreguín GIJ, Cabrera-Castañón R, Ayala GF
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 23-34
PDF size: 317.08 Kb.
Introduction: the National Population Council in Mexico reports that in 2015
there were 2,251,731 births of which around 5-12% were preterm, around
188,469 to 337,759 were considered LBW , this is a serious public health
problem because of all the cognitive sequelae and IQ complications associated
to LBW and prematurity. There is no Mexican data in this issue.
Objective: determine the IQ and some neurocognitive problems associated with
LBW, VLBW and prematurity in middle and late childhood children (8-13 years
old) when academic requirements are bigger.
Material and methods: WISC-IV was applied to 31 middle and late childhood
children (male and female). Apgar scale was considered ( minute 5).
Results: around 33% of LBW, VLBW or preterm children had IQ deficit , it is
8% more than it is reported in the theoretical normal curve, around 13% was
extremely low versus 2.2% that is expected. The Apgar scale was not a predictive
influence in the results. The verbal comprehensive index was reported with a
29% deficit, the perceptual organization index was reported with a 26% deficit,
a 35% of deficit was shown in the working memory index and processing speed
index had around 45% deficit ( compared with peers). For some reason these
children were bullied by their school mates.
Conclusions: we only found a 33% IQ deficit in LBW, VLBW and preterm children,
unlike other authors that report around 50 to 71.42% deficit in this population. It
is necessary to have further studies as well as determinants of bullying.
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