2017, Number S1
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2017; 60 (S1)
The Competency Assessment in a Simulation Center
de los Santos RMN, Morales LS
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 99-107
PDF size: 821.25 Kb.
The evaluation is a continuous and systematic
process that allows us to gather evidences in
order to make judgments of value. In the case
of Simulation-based Education, it becomes a
necessary procedure, since, when performing
learning activities based on simulation scenarios,
the different performances of students, participants,
specific programs, subject programs
that use this simulation can be evaluated. At
the same time, the scenarios themselves can
be evaluated. It requires a planning process,
the development of specific, validated and
reliable instruments, experienced applicators,
performing an evaluation of the results and
a joint analysis of the process, which during
the different stages of both the simulation and
the academic program allows formative and/
or summative evaluation of the student or participant.
In general, the type of instrument that
can be used and its requirements is discussed.
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