2017, Number 5
Integration of biomedical basic sciences into the comprehensive community medicine, Lara State. Venezuela, 2016
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 725-733
PDF size: 458.89 Kb.
Introduction: as part of the transformative process carried out in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, it is necessary to train a new model of medicine doctors on the conception of Barrio Adentro University to integrate the teaching-learning process into the curricular units in the community medical practice.Objective: to show the integration of the teaching-learning process of the biomedical basic sciences into the community medicine through teaching actions that guide the student towards the formation of a comprehensive medicine doctor.
Method: an observational descriptive study developed in the community settings of Barrio Adentro University for which educational actions were developed for students of the first and second academic years of the medical studies in the State of Lara during 2015-2016 school year.
Results: the role of professors as the main axis of educational work in the formation of a comprehensive doctor was strengthened, the participation of the students in the positive transformations of the health services increased, contributing to the formation of values. The results of the research were implemented to the benefit of the community.
Conclusions: the development of the teaching actions achieved a cognitive independence of students in the search for a solution of the health problems found in the community, which allowed the integration of the contents into the teaching-learning process of the basic biomedical sciences in the community medical practice in order to train a comprehensive physician.
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