2017, Number 5
The development of professional skills of the recent graduates of medical sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 677-683
PDF size: 232.97 Kb.
Introduction: the professionalization of the recent graduate is one of the priorities, given the need of improving the ways of performance for competent professional graduates.Objective: describe the ways for a competent performance of the new professionals of Medical Sciences.
Method: the dialectical materialist method was used, which allowed to analyze the contradictions in the process of professionalization of the recent graduates, aimed at determining the relationships and dependencies between the elements involved in this process in the field of research, and the trends of the development, through a documentary review, and surveys applied to the new physicians, as well as interviews with employers.
Development: the professionalization of the medical graduates is conditioned by the quality, integrality and pertinence during the continuous training, a stage that is marked by decisive guidelines to form an attitude before the profession and to develop the bases of his or her performance, where the first stage of the permanent training will coincide with the goal of the advanced education: "to achieve a professional who transmits and transforms the society with efficiency and quality, feeling fully satisfied with the individual emotional, moral and spiritual state".
Conclusions: the process of professionalization of the new graduate of the medical sciences is a necessity for the professional training. This process must be consolidated based on the development of competent professional activities, which means to recognize the work towards the appropriation of methods of performance as a main axis in the training process.
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